To which countries can my car be driven during a rental ?
At, we believe in the freedom of rental and sharing, which is why we allow our users to drive across the European Union (EU) during the rental period. This offers great flexibility and convenience for renters, enabling them to explore a wider range of destinations.
Why is this important?
While we understand that you may have concerns about your car being driven outside Lithuania, we want to emphasize the advantages of offering cross-border driving within the EU:
Increased Rental Demand: Allowing renters to drive across the EU can attract more potential customers. Many renters are interested in traveling across borders, and by providing this option, you can make your car more appealing to a wider audience.
Convenience and Trust: We ensure that all renters are carefully verified. This means that while your car may travel to other countries, it is still protected under the same comprehensive policy.
Freedom for Renters: People rent cars to enjoy flexibility. The ability to drive across the EU makes your car more desirable, encouraging more bookings and ultimately more income for you.
What about safety?
To address any concerns, we have strict monitoring and control systems in place. Renters are required to pass AI-powered license verification and complete safety checks before starting the rental. Additionally, we track the car’s location in real-time to ensure the safety of your vehicle.
If you still prefer to restrict travel to within Lithuania, unfortunately, we cannot onboard your car. However, we highly recommend considering cross-border travel for greater rental opportunities and increased earnings.